Sunday, June 19, 2011

Leaving Mexico

Whew...what a week :) so much planned and almost all of it done! The kids had a blast and can't wait til we land in Brazil tomorrow!
Out of all the things we did, the arts and crafts were definitely the favorites! I have to admit I was surprised at how quick the kids picked it up! The only problem we had was the paper mache maracas. My son does not like icky stuff on his hands so he was totally grossed out by the paper mache paste :) so we only ended up doing one maraca each instead of a pair. This actually was a good thing, apparently I don't have the patience to wait for them to paint and decorate, LOL! After an hour of constantly opening paint jars and changing water, I was ready to pull my hair out :) But they had a great time so in the end that was all that mattered!
Our Mexican crafts:
Mayan Temples made from Homemade Play-doh
Ojo de Dio's 

We had a great week and definitely consider it a success! Off for a good night of sleep as we get ready for our next adventure!!

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